jueves, 11 de abril de 2024

You Come From Far Away

A film by Amal Ramsis
Imagine that you have siblings but you can’t talk to them because you don’t speak the same language. Imagine that you have parents but you were raised without them. The film tells the extraordinary story of a Palestinian family which was dispersed by several turmoils that steer the last century as if the 20th century was summed up in the life of a single family: From the Spanish Civil War in which the father Najati Sidki fought against Franco to World War II, Nakba and Lebanese Civil War.

The story of an Arab who comes to Europe - not for taking refuge but for defending it

hebrew keyboard online to write with the keyboard

Typed Value = Hebrew
\ = א
b = ב
g = ג
d = ד
h = ה
v = ו
vo = וֹ
v* = וּ
z = ז
c = ח
T = ט
y = י
k = כ
K = ך
l = ל
m = מ
M = ם
n = נ
N = ן
s = ס
/ = ע
p = פ
P = ף
x = צ
X = ץ
q = ק
r = ר
w> = שׁ
w< = שׂ
t = ת
a = אַ
A = אָ
e = אֶ
I = אִ
E = אֵ
o = אֹ
u = אֻ
i = אְ
: = אֲ
~ = אֳ
; = אֱ
ּ (dagesh) = *       b* = בּ, g* = גּ, etc.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2024

Siempre nos quedará Bilbao...

 Ayer hubo una gran manifestación en Sevilla para defender la sanidad pública. Parece que el fútbol interesa más, Y es que las posibilidadas de que en Euzkadi ganen las elecciones los nazis son nulas. Gracias Bilbao y Mallorca por un grán espectáculo.