Diccionarios y Cursos Ingles Arabe Hebreo: Links

 Diccionarios y Cursos Ingles Arabe Hebreo

Dictionaries and Courses English Arabic Hebrew 




Caravana del Sur   
dirigido a alumnos, antiguos alumnos y estudiantes de árabe como lengua extranjera. Contiene materiales de ayuda para el autoaprendizaje y la formación permanente. Se permite el uso con fines didácticos de sus contenidos. Contiene audio en mp3: conversaciones, ejercicios, canciones, cuentos, postcast, RSS, etc.

arabic_courses_online_1.htm  Arabic Between Your Hands (texto en pdf y audio en mp3) arabic_courses_online_2.htm  Teach Yourself Arabic Conversation (texto en pdf y audio en mp3)


for teachers
(G. Washington & Georgetown Universities) Inglés y algo en árabe. Newsletter en ambos idiomas

curso de árbe en mp3 y video de la U. de San Francisco 



L'arabe en ligne pour les francophones (no sólo)
buen curso para principiantes



The Unified Medical Dictionary (UMD) is a multilingual medical dictionary. The first edition was issued in the 1960s by the Arab Medical Union in Baghdad, Iraq, to meet the urgent need in Arab countries for unified medical terms.
The UMD is available in print, on CD and on the internet. The fourth edition of the UMD contains more than 150 000 terms in English and Arabic. Most of these terms are available also in Farsi, French, German and Spanish.


مركز تعريب العلوم الصحية
أكـمـلز "
Arbization Center for Medical Sciences 

English, Arabic and French investing and financial glossary and translation

  United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database of the Arabic Translation Service: ARABTERM es una base de datos multilingüe de las Naciones Unidas sobre nomenclatura y terminología en los cuatro idiomas oficiales: árabe, español, inglés y francés . 

World Star Translators, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias (many languages, Hebrew and Yiddish included) 
Good, with (interesting) keyboard   


site also includes a multilingual dictionary with 25 languages.
Este diccionario es uno de los muchos que puedes consultar sin moverte de mi blog

Hans Wehr Arabisches Worterbuch 

(descargar o leer online de Internet Archive)

Arabic-English Dictionary The Hans Wehr  

Dictionary Of Modern Written Arabic

Hans Wehr English to Arabic Dictionary

Consultar Hans Wehr 4th ed.: para consultar online: http://ejtaal.net/aa

Dictionnaire arabe-français contenant toutes les racines de la langue arabe, tant dans l'idiome vulgaire que dans l'idiome litteral, ainsi que les dialectes d'Alger et de Marocread online I & II


Egyptian Arabic Dictionary  Diccionario de Arabe Egipcio    


Online Options...
Diccionario de Arabe Egipcio en PDF  

Mawrid Reader: Arabic dictionary interface   

Download for offline use

You can now download the entire website and install it for instance on your phone's SD card or your desktop PC for super fast access. Download link:

Arab2English - Dictionary Index (Babylon)  
A Concise English-Arabic Dictionary  

Translation Software, Arabic-English-Arabic Concise Dictionary; no es un "traductor" sino un diccionario, te dará varios significados por palabra, hará búsquedas por aproximación, etc. Funciona escribiendo la palabra en inglés o árabe o haciendo click sobre cualquier palabra en dichos idiomas en el procesador de textos, página web, etc. Bastante bueno, y versión gratis. Para Windows y Android. Puedes consultarlo desde mi blog donde además hay otras cajas de búsqueda (search boxes) todas agrupadas en la misma página.

Omniglot: todo tipo de información sobre multitud de lenguas, cursos, diccionarios, audio, alfabetos, blogs, forum, links... omniglot.com/arabic.htm 

Esta Web tiene muy buenos teclados virtuales y muchos links interesantes además de los diccionarios      



sensagent - dictionnaire
Múltiples idiomas incluidos árabe y hebreo. Dictionnaire et traducteur pour sites web: Alexandria: Une fenêtre (pop-into) d'information (contenu principal de Sensagent) est invoquée un double-clic sur n'importe quel mot de votre page web. LA fenêtre fournit des explications et des traductions contextuelles. boîte de recherches Sensagent, La he incorporado a mi diccionario de términos jurídicos de Black

Language Tools de GOOGLE: para la traducción de páginas web completas, texto o palabras árabes. El mejor sitio con diferencia. Puedes añadir un plug-in al navegador (en mi caso Firefox)  
Botones para arrastrar a la barra de favoritos (bookmarks toolbar) 
Arrastra el enlace del botón del navegador a los Favoritos de tu barra de herramientas.

مفاهيم ومصطلحات
 (فلسفية، اقتصادية، علمية،  الخ) 


 Download Books, Lexicons, Biographies...

Esta página incluye muchos más diccionarios de todos los idiomas:  y se pueden realizar búsquedas multiples.

Arabic Language Learning and Arabic Language and Culture Links

busca en Internet Archive 

 Arabic Verbs

Conjugate 100% of all possible Arabic tri-literal root combinations.



Diccionarios de Arabe para estudiar el Corán: Consulta la pagina de este blog: lengua-arabe-hebreo.blogspot/el-coran-online-quran 

http://old.arabeyes.org/  Fonts, stopped working???
               http://qamoose.arabeyes.org/   ??
arabeyes.org   ??

Islamic Knowledge based on the Qur'an & Authentic Sunnah upon the understanding of the Pious Predecessors
algún curso y diccionarios, entre ellos el de W. Lane
sakkalCalligraphy   Caligrafía
islamicart/calligraphy/  Caligrafía
zakariya/tools/   Caligrafía

Traductores de Arabe

جمعية الترجمة العربية وحوار الثقافات
Arabic Translation and Intercultural Dialogue Association
Arabic French English

Association des Traducteurs Agréés prèes les Juridictions (ATAJ


Turjuman árabe  
Esta página surge con la intención de ser punto de encuentro para todos aquellos interesados en el mundo de la traducción árabe-español-árabe.

 English and Arabic
المنظمة العربية للترجمة :: الصفحة الرئيسية

estos links estan sin ordenar todavia... proceden de mi antiguo blog, prometo colocarlos en su sitio a la primera oportunidad.





Mi pagina de inicio de Arabe y Hebreo: www.ndelt.com

Arabe, Diccionarios, Cursos, Cultura

Cursos y Diccionarios de Arabe; www.ndelt.com/diccionarios

 blog dedicao a Israel y el Hebreo: http://hebreo-hebrew.blogspot.com.es/

El mejor curso online (con videos y audio) 11 meses de Ramadan a Ramadan (Recomendado) lqtoronto.com  Todo gratuito

Biblilcal Hebrew

 Yad Vashem: Museo del Holocausto   yadvashem.org


Zochrot English
Zochrot.org Hebrew

facebook.com/Zochrot   Zochrot.org/arabic
Pueblo Saharaui

SaharaLibre.es QR

Links para aprender hebreo online (free/gratis)
http://www.youtube.com/user/animatedhebrew  buen sitio para principiantes de hebreo, http://www.animatedhebrew.com

  Otros Blogs dedicados a la lengua árabe


أهلا وسهلا 

Blog del Departamento de Árabe de la EOI de Castellón المدونة

 الإلكترونية الخاصة من قسم اللغة العربية ـ مدرسة اللغات ـ في كستليون

Arabic Literature (in English) 

Blog de Adrian Llobell Grimalt مَرْحَبَاً بِكُمْ Recursos de Educación y Filología Árabe

Arabic Word of the Day       
The Arabist  
Learning and Teaching Arabic     
For students and teachers of the Arabic language  

  Middle East & Islamic Studies Collection

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias







Acabo de empezar con este blog, me limito de momento a indicar mis otras páginas:

Blog sobre la Lengua Arabe: lengua-arabe-hebreo.blogspot

Mi sitio web, dedicado al árabe, al hebreo, y a las traducciones juradas de inglés: ndelt.com
La página dedicada a israel y el hebreo es: ndelt.com/israel

Mi blog sobre traducciones: traducción en general y traducción jurada en particular: francisco-caballos.blogspot  

Mi página de Google+ (dedicada a las tres cosas: árabe, hebreo, traducción de inglés) plus.google

Biblilcal Hebrew

 Yad Vashem: Museo del Holocausto   yadvashem.org


Zochrot English
Zochrot.org Hebrew

facebook.com/Zochrot   Zochrot.org/arabic

 links, links, links... organizing my old webpage...

some of these links may be broken (I'm still moving content....) 

Learning the Hebrew Alphabet and Language Basic

jr.co.il/alef-bet: Online and printable Hebrew alphabet charts which include the Hebrew letters in three formats: block, script, and Rashi. Links to vocabulary, videos .
levsoftware.com/alefbet: This site shows you how to write the Aleph Bet with flash
jewishwebsight.com/alephbet/hebrew/index  Hebrew Alphabet
darkwing.uoregon.eduHebrew alphabet. Vocabulary beginners. Nice keyboard online. .
utexas.edu/hebrew/heblang/tutorials Online tutorial from the University of Texas. The Hebrew Writing Syste, basic Hebrew vocabulary. Video, sound, Tools, Bible. utexas.edu/hebrew  
Babylon.com/Hebrew-Dictionary Hebrew Dictionary online, contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms,.terms from a variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion
diccionarios y recursos de hebreo clásico y moderno, israel (en francés princialmente) Con teclados
Microsoft's English-Hebrew Computing Glossary
Strong's Hebrew Dictionary   BibleStudy Tools
American Slang Dictionary English-Hebrew   
eleaston.com Language learning and teaching, very good
www.dicts.info  dicts.info/2/english-hebrew English to Hebrew to English dictionary. Very Good.
dicts.info/2/hebrew-spanish   Hebrew to Spanish to Hebrew dictionary
Freelang Font Center 
Fonts, dictionaries From Arab to Vietnamese, including Hebrew...                                                
The Online Hebrew Tutorial  The Foundation Stone  como la página está combiando y el texto es "redistribution is permitted", 
  lo he colocado en mi página GRAMATICAS DE HEBREO  junto con otras gramáticas como Biblical como Hebrew: A Student Grammar by John A. Cook and Robert D. Holmstedt. foundationstone.com.au/Large.pdf 
Hebrewfaq Tracy R. Rich Judaism 101 alphabet (good) and computing; culture, history
Biblical Hebrew ebionite.org Jewish Bible Society  alphabet, grammar
Alphabet Hebrew calligraphy and links
Alphabet  Easy-to-use Unicode Table for Hebrew Characters (Alef-bet) and links
Alphabet Jewish Encyclopedia    Alphabet (goood) and culture
Yamada Language Center    University of Oregon's resource center 

Hebrew - English Dictionary  Zooloo Hebrew to English Dictionary and Zooloo English to Hebrew Dictionary; also some grammar and vocabulary (Hebrew and English)
Milon Morfix - Dictionary  online Hebrew dictionary. Keyboard online.
English-Hebrew Glossary  Microsoft's English-Hebrew Computing Glossary (5400 terms)
Yiddish-Hebrew Picture Dictionary  Yiddish-Hebrew-English-German-Russian-French Picture Dictionary
Hebrew Terms Database  The Academy of the Hebrew language 
English Hebrew Dictionary  (Babylon) English Hebrew Dictionary
The Alternative Hebrew Dictionary  The Alternative Hebrew Slang and Obscenities Dictionary
Hebrew Dictionaries  World star English-Hebrew dictionaries
Hebrew-English Dictionary  Maskilon III Hebrew-English
Glossary of Jewish Terms  A comprehensive (and small) glossary of Jewish terms. judaism.com
Morfix Dictionary  Dictionary, Translate Hebrew to English, English to Hebrew. Keybord ...
Word Topics Hebrew  Hebrew words for category Word Topics. dictionary.co.il
Hebrew Etymology Project  The Analytic and Synthetic Etymology of Hebrew
Hebrew Dictionary  Vocabulary English-Hebrew
Hebrew Glossary  Hebrew Glossary - In-depth Glossary of Transliterated and English Translation with their Meanings of the Hebrew Language
Milon: English Hebrew Dictionary Milon is a free online English Hebrew English dictionary. Get translation and definition from the most popular dictionaries and encyclopedias. Bastante completo. NEW Picture dictionary: http://www.milon.co.il/dict01.htm
Learn Hebrew with Pictures and Audio
Recursos y Links de Ulpan and Hebrew Learning Resources Online (sin clasificar)
For a comprehensive list of Ulpan options in Israel, click here.

Information about Ulpan options outside of Israel can be found here

Ulpan and other Hebrew learning options for Olim and individuals currently overseas can be found at:
www.nbnbusiness.co.il (Please see the category called “Hebrew Education.”)

For a further listing of online resources for Hebrew study, please see: http://www.hebrew-language.com
Aprender vocabulario baśico (graficos y mp3) languageguide.org/hebrew 

también árabe) You can choose your own language

http://ktzat-ivrit.ulpan.com: A daily dose of Hebrew.
ttp://www.my-hebrew-dictionary.com:  vocabulary building website which translates from English to Hebrew words using writing, pictures and sound.
From Google Books, browsable online and available as a free download

Wijnkoop's Manual of Hebrew Grammar - Read online, or download as PDF, EPUB, Kindle, text editions.
Hurwitz' A Grammar of the Hebrew Language - Read online, or download as PDF, EPUB, Kindle, text editions.
Biblical Hebrew: A Student Grammar (in PDF) - by John A. Cook and Robert D. Holmstedt, 2007 edition. "This textbook is intended for a university classroom. It is divided into thirty lessons, corresponding to the typical thirty-week academic year."
Biblical Hebrew Grammar Summary (in PDF) - Grammar summary of Hebrew in PDF text.
http://archive.org/details/anglohebrewmoder00raffuoft   Anglo-Hebrew modern dictionary; English text, with grammatical indications, according to the best authorities, Hebrew translation


Other Resources

English <-> Hebrew Online Dictionary ECTACO  figura entre los diccionarios -search boxes- en mi blog
Jewish Dictionary free online Hebrew Dictionary     
The Hebrew Language free online resources to learn Hebrew (many and good)     
My Hebrew Dictionary English-Hebrew dictionary online for groups of words.    
My Hebrew Picture Dictionary Learn Hebrew words in a fun way.     
Hebrew - Open Dictionary Hebrew dictionary.      
Morfix English to Hebrew English Dictionary     
Learn Hebrew Learn Hebrew with audio and transliterations     
Hebrew/English Dictionary Ancient Hebrew Research Center.     
Akhlah: Children's Hebrew Dictionary Akhlah: Children's Hebrew Dictionary.

alef-bet El alfabeto hebreo, para imprimir si quieres, y otros recursos.  Jacob Richman's Home Page
safa-ivrit.org:  resource for learning vocabulary, grammar and syntax for those with a decent knowledge of Hebrew. buscador en hebreo.
engheb.com:  free high quality learning resources (useful vocabulary and phrases) on a monthly basis through their email newsletter. 

Learn Hebrew on YouTube  In this series of videos teaching you the Hebrew alphabet you will learn much more than the basics. It is a long series of video tutorials of the Hebrew language, but it is basically a "full course" on learning how to read and write in Hebrew
youtube.com/user/JoelYaronPub   Learn modern Hebrew through and practical videos. 
Canales relacionados en YouTube:    
Hebrew University of Jerusalem          
Learn Hebrew with HebrewPod101.com        
The Temple Institute     

Hebrew Language Course  MODERN HEBREW TEXTBOOK: A free Hebrew language course from Wikibooks, the open source books collection
Internet Polyglot: Hebrew Lessons
Animated Hebrew   the content is free and much of it is licensed with Creative Commons. Courses, alphabet, audio...
Learn the Hebrew Alefbet the Easy Way Through Pictures
Jewish Dictionary free online Hebrew Dictionary      
The Hebrew Language free online resources to learn Hebrew.     
My Hebrew Dictionary English-Hebrew dictionary online for groups of words.    
My Hebrew Picture Dictionary  Milon. Good online keyboard.
Morfix English to Hebrew English Dictionary     
Ancient Hebrew Research Center
Hebrew / English Dictionary
Akhlah: Children's Hebrew Dictionary Akhlah: Children's Hebrew Dictionary and culturaland religious info. akhlah.com  

From Google Books, browsable online and available as a free download:
Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar
Meyrowitz' Hebrew Grammar
Davidson's An Introductory Hebrew Grammar
Wijnkoop's Manual of Hebrew Grammar - Read online, or download as PDF, EPUB, Kindle, text editions.
Hurwitz' A Grammar of the Hebrew Language - Read online, or download as PDF, EPUB, Kindle, text editions.
Biblical Hebrew: A Student Grammar (in PDF) - by John A. Cook and Robert D. Holmstedt, 2007 edition. "This textbook is intended for a university classroom. It is divided into thirty lessons, corresponding to the typical thirty-week academic year."
Biblical Hebrew Grammar Summary (in PDF) - Grammar summary of Hebrew in PDF text.

PolyglotPolyglot is a non-profit community dedicated to language exchange. Polyglot allows you to find the right person ready to exchange languages with you.
UniLang CommunityT To provide an online site where people interested in languages can unite, openly discuss, and find resources related to language(s), linguistics and translations. All data, unless otherwise stated, is licensed under an open licence
  Manual of Hebrew grammar by Rev. J. D. Wijnkoop. Translated from the Dutch by C. van den Biesen.openlibrary/Manual_of_Hebrew_grammar  leer online  PDF  (internet archive) PDF 

A new easy and complete Hebrew course: containing a Hebrew grammar ..., Volume 1 (Internet Archive) http://www.archive.org/details/aneweasyandcomp00bowmgoog   

(~235 pg)Read Online(5.3 M)
PDF (Google.com)

The Hebrew Language  Learn Hebrew ResourceshebrewtodayYANSHUF newspapers "Yanshuf" is an easy Hebrew newspaper that is intended for anyone who wants to learn Hebrew and for those looking to improve their existing knowledge of the language. The newspaper covers Current Events from Israel and around the world, as well as many other interesting subjects, such as Science and Technology, Sports, Culture, Activities and much, much more. We recommend subscribing to "Yanshuf"
AnimatedHebrew.com good and fun. Also available (in part) at youtube/animatedhebrew    


A Hebrew chrestomathy: designed as the first volume of a course of Hebrew study (Internet Archive, encontrarás más) http://www.archive.org/details/ahebrewchrestom01stuagoog 

Read Online(9.3 M) PDF (Google.com)    (10.8 M)DjVu  

An elementary Hebrew grammar, with tables, reading exercises, and a vocabulary (1866) from Internet Archive  

(Google eBook)        

                                                   THE ONLINE HEBREW TUTORIAL de The Foundation Stone (como la página está combiando y el texto es redistribution is permitted lo he colocado en mi página junto con otras gramáticas como Biblical como Hebrew: A Student Grammar by John A. Cook and Robert D. Holmstedt

The California Institute for Ancient Studies:  Dictionary Lexicon of the Hebrew Language

Manual of Hebrew syntax; (1897)  Leer online PDF 

A grammar of the Hebrew language (1835)   http://www.archive.org/details/grammarofhebrewl00hurwrich

Más Gramáticas de Hebreo de dominio público para leer online o descargar   Google Book list  Internet Archive list 

A Hebrew chrestomathy. Designed as the first volume of course of Hebrew study (1829)  Link  Internet Archive
A new easy and complete Hebrew course: containing a Hebrew grammar ..., Volume 1   Link  Internet Archive
A Hebrew chrestomathy: designed as the first volume of a course of Hebrew study   Link  Internet Archive
FSI - Hebrew Basic Course - Student Text  Link Internet Archive Download PDF


virtualjerusalem.com  El Muro de las Lamentaciones (jerusalén) :Web-Cam  webcam-jerusalem-israel  


Google Israel (Hebreo, Arabe, Inglés, con teclado virtual)

Canal de Israel en Youtube (Turismo...)  

Achla     Asakim  IOL    Nana     SABRAnet        Start       Tapuz         Walla        Zooloo          
Essential Tips for Living in Israel       

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